A collection of really useful links for bash scripting
For loops:
Here are some links to tutorials I’ve compiled so you can get some extra practice using/crafting for loops. All of these will contain information we haven’t covered yet in addition to the basic for loop.
https://jvns.ca/blog/2017/03/26/bash-quirks/ https://astrobiomike.github.io/bash/for_loops https://ryanstutorials.net/bash-scripting-tutorial/bash-loops.php http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/loops1.html#EX22
Warning about using the output of ‘ls’ as a set for a for loop:
More bash goodies:
http://www.kfirlavi.com/blog/2012/11/14/defensive-bash-programming/ https://google.github.io/styleguide/shell.xml Test your skills!! https://cmdchallenge.com/ Environment to test out code if you think something weird might be going on with your setup (warning - there might also be something weird with this setup, I haven’t played with it a whole lot). https://repl.it/languages
Regex Practice
(Comic: www.xkcd.com/208)
Lots of options for practice - choose your favorite!
https://regexr.com/ https://regexone.com/ http://rubular.com/ Regex combined with sed and awk: https://likegeeks.com/regex-tutorial-linux/?epik=0wDgLEvIWHzZ9